1. Punctuality – try to arrive in the main sanctuary at least ten minutes before the Mass begins, so that you can gain composure, say a short prayer and prepare your mind and heart for the Mass; if you are late because of unavoidable circumstances then sit in the back to minimize disruption.
  2. Eucharistic Fast – if receiving Holy Communion, ensure you fast for at least one hour before receiving; consumption of water and medication less than one hour before receiving is allowed in some exceptional circumstances (if it is necessary).
  3. Eating and Drinking – there should be no consumption of food or drink during Mass, regardless of whether one is receiving Holy Communion or not, and this includes confectionery (sweets, chewing gum, etc.); there are some exceptions, like drinking water for clergy, choir and small children (must be consumed discreetly).
  4. Dress – only modest dress is acceptable in the Church, for both men and women, as a sign of respect for God’s house; this includes clean clothes which are not too tight or too loose, skirts of appropriate length, and no hats for men.
  5. Crossing with Holy Water – when entering and leaving the main sanctuary, it is important for Catholics to cross themselves with Holy Water as a reminder of their baptism.
  6. Genuflection and bowing – before sitting on a pew and before leaving after standing it is appropriate to genuflect (right knee touching the floor) facing the tabernacle as a sign of respectful acknowledgement of the lordship of God; those physically unable to genuflect can bow reverently; during Mass if one has to walk past the altar or the tabernacle, it is also appropriate to genuflect or bow reverently.
  7. Use of mobile phones, tablets and other electronic gadgets – it is not acceptable to make phone calls in the main sanctuary during Mass, except in emergencies during which it is still imperative to be discreet to avoid disruption (go outside the sanctuary); use of smartphones and tablets for following the Bible readings is acceptable, but must also be done discreetly; any other activity is unacceptable, like listening to music, or chatting on social media, or surfing the web, or playing games, etc.
  8. Sitting on pews – a believer who is first to sit on a pew should always sit in the centre, not on either edge, to avoid others having to climb over; men should offer ladies, the elderly and the disabled their seating places in the event the sanctuary is packed.
  9. Silence – it is appropriate to remain silent while in the main sanctuary and especially during the Mass, as noise of any kind is unacceptable since it causes disruption and distracts focus on God; those with babies and small children who may cry are advised to sit near an exit and close to the edge of the pews so that in the event of a crying baby or child the parent can quickly take him or her out of the sanctuary to minimize disruption.
  10. Bulletins – it is not appropriate to read the bulletin during the Mass as it distracts one from focusing on what is going on; an exception is during the announcements when one can read to follow the person speaking.
  11. Offertory – this should be prepared before the Mass begins, so that when the offering bag reaches one can put it in immediately; delaying the movement of the offering bag while removing offering from one’s wallet or purse is inappropriate; non-monetary offertory items can be presented with others in the offertory procession.
  12. Respecting boundaries – not all parishioners will be enthusiastic about the communal actions during the Mass, like singing, the responses, making the sign of peace (handshake), etc. and one should respect the decisions of others not shaking their hands, not kneeling, etc. without judging them for worshipping differently; also, people who know each other should not behave in a manner to distract others, say rubbing one another’s hands or backs, cuddling, etc.
  13. Receiving Holy Communion – one can receive on the tongue or on the hand; before receiving it is appropriate to bow reverently as a sign of respect for the Lord’s Most Holy Body and Blood; if Communion of both kinds is administered to the faithful then a person who is sick (cold, flu, sneezing, etc.) should not partake of the chalice; upon receiving, one should consume the Communion immediately.
  14. Leaving the main sanctuary after the Mass ends – the faithful should leave the main sanctuary only after the exit procession of clergy, altar boys and Mass servers has exited; leaving should be quiet without disruption; it is recommended to say a short thanksgiving prayer before leaving; in parishes having Masses back to back, one should not delay leaving after a Mass to create room for those coming in for the next Mass.